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tv   Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX  November 29, 2015 10:00am-11:00am CST

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police officer, we'll talk with gop presidential candidate carly fiorina, a staunch opponent of practices. and americans face heightened security at home, on the busiest travel holiday of the year. >> i want the american people to know that we are taking every possible step to keep our homeland safe. >> in the midst of a worldwide travel alert due to terror attacks, we'll set down with richard burr, chair of the senate intelligence committee. it's a "fox news sunday" exclusive. plus ben carson looks to beef up his foreign policy credentials with a trip to syrian refugee camps. and donald trump fences off criticism he mocked a reporter's disability. we'll ask about the panel about a gop course correction, all right now on "fox news sunday." and hello again from fox news in washington. a deadly shooting at a
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debates over abortion and gun control. but while a suspect is in custody, it's still unclear what motivated him to open fire. we'll talk with carly fiorina in a moment, but first fox news correspondent will carr is live outside the clinic. will? >> while robert dear is set to appear in court on monday, the question is why did he kill three people and injure nine others. police have been searching his trailer looking for clues. dear surrendered on friday and now there are multiple reports that he's been rambling in interviews with investigators, at one point saying "no more baby parts." possibly refer to a video discussion -- he stormed the
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assault weapon. he previously lived in a cabin in north carolina with no, and had pasts for domestic violence and animal cruelty. people say he never spoke about religion or abortion. at the same time one of his victims, officer garrett swasey is being remembered as a father, an eighth legality and a an athlete and man of god. >> to put it in a nutshell, he served the community with integrity. i think he meant hope to this community. >> president obama issuing a statement in part which says, enough is enough in regards to gun violence, and at the same time attorney general lynch calling this a crime against women using planned parenthood for health care services. will carr, thank you. joining me is carly fiorina, who has taken a hard line against planned parenthood's
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ms. fiorina, welcome back to "fox news sunday." >> thank you for having me. happy thanksgiving. >> same to you. your reaction to the shootings? >> well, this is a tragedy. it's obviously a tragedy. nothing justifies this, and presumably this man who appears deranged, if nothing else, will be tried for murder, as he should be, but it's a tragedy, especially on a holiday weekend. >> you have been one of the toughest critics, as we've said, of planned parenthood's alleged harvesting of body parts, selling for fetal research. some of the pro-choice advocates are saying language like yours, not single you out, but language like yours, has incited violence. but also, what would you say to protesters, people outside these clinics, about the limits of their opposition? >> first, it is not alleged.
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several weeks ago they would no longer take compensation for body parts, which sounds like an admission they were doing so. secondly, this is so typical of the left to immediately demonize the messenger, because they don't agree with the message. the vast majority of americans agree, what planned parenthood is doing is wrong. that's why the vast majority of americans are prepared not only to defund planned parenthood, but also to stop abortion for any reason at all after five months. what i would say to anyone who try toss link this terrible tragedy to anyone who opposes abortion or opposes the sale of body parts is, this is typical left-wing tactics. >> what would you say to the protesters, the people outside the clinics and oppose it? >> any protesters should always be peaceful, whether it's black lives matter or pro-life protesters, protesters should always be peaceful and respectful.
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president obama is on his way to paris today for a climate change summit. this week, he linked that to the war on terror. take a look. >> what a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands at one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children. >> your reaction to the summit and to the contention by some in the obama administration that climate change is, if not the biggest, certainly the most immediate threat to our national security? >> well, that's delusional. it is delusional for president obama and hillary clinton and anyone else to say that climate change is our near-term most severe security threat. it is isis, period, followed closely by iran and perhaps russia. president obama continues to think that somehow our behavior causes terrorism, so he says the
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climb change summit is a powerful rebuke. no, it's not. the terrorists don't care that we're gathering in paris other than it provides a target. we don't think refugees should be allowed in the country if we don't properly vet them. president obama is delusional about the threat, which is apparently he won't do anything about it. >> do you think it's wlort while to try to work out emissions limits? >> if you read the fine print of the science, what the scientists tell us, all those scientist who seai rates and manmade, they say a single nation acting alone will make no difference at all. it would take a concerted global effort. i think the likelihood is near zero, i think it would be far more productive if president obama indeed was there leading an international coalition to
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stop human trafficking or for humanitarian relief for the refugees or international coalition to defeat isis. all those would be more useful than time in paris tacking about climate change. let's turn to the republican presidential race. you have gotten a big lift in the polls, particularly after the first two republican debates, but just looking at the numbers, you have fallen back since then. let's look at a couple polls in iowa you're not sixth, down from where you were running third in early october. it's the same in new hampshire. you're now tied for with 4.3% down from early october when you were running second with 14.3%. you have a numbers person. why do you keep sliding back? >> well, i'm a numbers person, but national polls and some of these polls are notoriously unpredictive. but here's what i would say.
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when i launched my campaign on may 4th, no one would have said i would be in the top ten. no one would have said i would be on the main stage. in fact, every pundit on this challenge and every other channel virtually wrote me off. i've had a trajectory unlike any other candidate. i was the least well-known candidates on may 4th. i remain at the bottom of well-known candidates. in other words, a lot of republican voters still don't know who i am. i'm happy with where i am. people are now paying attention. >> let me check you on that. i know you talk about name recoition, so i looked into that this weekend. according to a national quinnipiac poll, this month, more republicans now know who you are than know who marco rubio is, or ted cruz, and yet they're running ahead of you in the polls, so it isn't just name recognition.
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name recognition, but it is to say, having never run for a accomplice political position, people are getting to know me and now people are starting to pay attention. later this week i'll be rolling out the blueprint for what we need to do to take our country back. our government is crushing the potential of our nation. to take our country back will require a different kind of leadership in the white house. at the require citizenship, and we need to do some specific things from radically? changing the tax code to repealing obamacare, to restoring the character of our nation, to enforcing a pro-american immigration system, and to getting bad to leadership around the world. i want to pick up on that. specifically first, one of your biggest moments so far was when you shot back at mr. trump after
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this week he is under fire again, this time for mocking the physical disability of a reporter. take a look. >> you've got to see this guy, i don't know what i said, i don't remember. he's like i don't remember. maybe that's what i want. this is 14 years ago. they didn't do a retraction shun. >> are you prepaefrd to call trump out on that? >> yes, this is the pattern, isn't it? the pattern is he says something ensilting s. outrageous, the media claims attention, and he claims we misunderstood him. this is the pattern of an entertainer, not a leader. apparently he only feels big when he's trying to make everyone else look small, and in the end he looks the smallest of all. you are talking about the fact you are going to come out with specifics on a variety of issues. i want to talk about the tax code.
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least so far s. not being specific enough. you said up to reduce the tax code to three pages, you say you're going to close every loophole and lower every tax rate, but some people say you haven't been specific enough, so i would like to do a lightning round, quick questions, quick answers, hopingly get some specific answers. do you plan to end the home mortgage deduction? >> probably, yes, but by the way, there's been a plan for a three-page tax code out for 20 years. this isn't news. hoover institute, a fine conservative think tank of which i have served as a member of the board of trustees, they've had a three-page tax code out for 20 years. fundamentally i think we want the government to take away less money so it has to give money back. a tax code is so complicated, this is how the government maintains power. it's given all these credits and deductions back, because it
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takes too much away. of course it's true, if you're late, you have to pay interest, but if the government is late, they never pay interest. >> would you eliminate the deduction for charitable deductions? >> probably. if we aded two more back in, let's say those are the two most popular deductions. add two more back in, the fundamental design philosophy, however, is lower every rate, close every loophole. >> you would end both of those deductions. >> i want probably, even if we put both back in, can you imagine how much simpler this had be in. with all those deductions and loop holes it exerts power. i could live with two deductions, but this is what always happens. everybody says you can't take those away for 73,000 pages never gets reformed then. the fundamental blueprint -- you
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you know why this has never happened? gall everybody's ox will get gored. every politics, every lobbyist, every accountant, every lawyer. the only people who benefit are the small, the powerless, the new business, the tax code the complexity of government favors. the well connected, it's called chronny capitalism, republicans have engaged in it as well as democrats. if you level the playing field, you help the small all powerless and middle class. finally, president obama got a fair amount of criticism -- attention this weeks, not criticism, for pardoning a turkey. it turns out you did the same thing. take a look. >> we are pardoning the turkey so that you go on to find yourself a nice tom and create some turkeys that maybe will get eaten next year. >> i love -- that was jenny, right?
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>> that was jenny. >> that is an obama policy you would continue? >> i think it's apresidential tradition. in fairness to obama, i think many presidents have pardoned turkey. but under president fiorina, there will be turkey pardoning? >> yes, i will, toms and genies. ms. fiorina, thank you for spending part of your holiday with us. >> thank you. world leaders gather at a climb changes summit even as they deal with the more immediate issue of terrorism. >> we'll discuss the threat to the u.s. homeland with a charn
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two weeks after a devastating terror attack in paris, 150 world leaders, including president obama, are now gathering in the french capital. their goal -- to craft a landmark deal to fight global warming. this comes amid a worldwide travel alerts for american citizens, though the president says there's no specific threat at home for the weekend. kevin is in paris ahead of the summit? >> good day to you. after the recent tour the asia, it was an economic tour, but clearly global secure and terrorism threaten to overshadow that and again threatens to
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overshadow the climate gathering. given the events, we'll be for this particular summit, the security footprint, the posture is immense. that would not surprise anyone. climate policy is a legacy items. white house wants to solidify for a president who has said previously it poses an immediate risk to national security. before the end of the conversation, something actionable, not necessarily a treaty. meanwhile, you should also expect the president to make use of it to meet with president hollande of france, president putin of russia, maybe even president erdogan of turkey. that's taken on a whole new leftsh over complains that the russian aircraft violated turkey's airspace. you probably remember the folks at home certainly should remembering that goes back to the talks about deescalation.
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we heard a lot about that in the early fall, so expect the white house and the president's advisers in particular to try to tamp down the situation between turkey and russia, and hopefully take what is clearly a volatile situation back down to a manageable level. cruz? >> kevin cork, reporting live from paris, thank you for that. joining us from north carolina, richard burr, chair of the senate intelligence committee. chairman, as the busiest travel weekend of the year wraps up, is there any specific credible threats against americans to the best of your knowledge, either in this country or around the world? >> well, chris, credible specific, no. but for the past 12 months there have been more threads of threats both here at home and eastern the world that we have seen since 9/11. so the risk remains high, but clearly in the united states the fbi has wrapped up over 67
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individuals that were incarcerated this year and are either prosecuted or in the process of being prosecuted. that will continue. >> how big an international footprint does isis have. how serious a threat in the u.s. and in other countries outsided middle east? >> well, chris, it's proven that isis is in 30 different countries, they control eight provinces of countries. they've got a reach that goes throughout europe and north america. so to talk about containment is really a joke. the reality is that isis may be geographically contained in syria and iraq, but their efforts around the world to project terrorism and to commit terrorism is as robust today as it's ever been. >> with that as a backdrop, senator, at a news conference this week with french president hollande, president obama did
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in mali, despite the attack in paris, did not announces in new steps in the war guess isis, which raises the question of what is your assessment of the president as current streej and how much do you this it can accomplish? >> well, we have no strategy. i don't think you can find anybody in the world outside of the administration that the attempt to state what the strategy is we've seen over 55,000 killed at the hands of isis. in syria alone we've had over 240,000 syrians killed. that's both by assad and isis and over 4 million refugees in flight. it's time for an international coalition to come in and am groups like the curtis to create a safe haven, a no-frontline
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zone, but only with american leadership will that happen. i hope that while the administration is in paris, maybe they'll talk with president hollande, who i think is committed to eliminate isis. we have to stop talking about containment and talk about elimination of the terrorist threat. meanwhile, hollande after meeting with president obama in washington then flew to moscow to meet with russian president putin. here is what president obama said about putin? >> russia right now is a collision of two, iran and russia, supporting assad. what's your best intelligence, chairman burr? can we count on putin at all? there's talk about a grand coalition. at first it seemed when putin met with hollande, there was a possibility he would join the coalition, then the russians seemed to walk away from that. what's your sense of putin's
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intentions? >> i think the intention is to prop up assad. that's always been his stated goal. i don't think that we cannot remember that putin invaded crimea, currently prosecutes a border war in the ukraine. i'm not sure that putin can be trusted, but chris, let me make this fact. isis has to be eliminated. i'm ready to put together whatever coalition is willing to attack isis and eliminate this terrorist threat. that means gulf state partners, european partners, it may mean russia, but russia sure complicates the options we have in syria, with the amount of aircraft, with the amount of arms that they have there. if we can focus those on isis versus the moderate opposition forces that are trying to defeat assad, we could make a real impact, but that's going to take a great deal of diplomacy that we have yet to see.
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>> there's been some interesting developments on intelligence issues, really, in the last week. i want to talk to you about those, sir. today at midnight, the nsa's bulk data collection of america's phone records, that program expired as of last night, and now the nsa is going to need a court order from a judge to collect records on any american. again we're not talking about the content of the phone call, simply my phone number called your phone number, and we spoke, or people on those two lines spoke for x number of minutes. what impact do you think that would have on your counter-terrorism effort? >> chris, i don't think it's too troubling you would need a court order. i think what's troubling is that you'll have to go to multiple telecom companies, and at their pace search their records, which means it could take weeks.
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a cell phone is we used that cell phone number to look at cell phones this had tacked talked to, not only paris investigators but belgian investigators were able to expand the search net in a way that stopped a massive terrorist attack, an additional one in paris, has potentially led to the apprehension of at least a dozen, if not more, isis opt tiffs throughout belgium, germany and parts of europe. i'm not sure that we know the full extent of what we have learned to this point, but any time you can take electronics and use those selectors, it's beneficial to the world's intelligence community. the united states made a real mistake when they eliminated this program where we could search known foreign terrorist' cell phones. congress took that away from the nsa, and unfortunately it's not
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going to be a timely tool to use in the future. let me pick up on that. you have signed on to legislation now in the senate which wouu revive the program, when you say ran out as of midnight, but the senate just voted -- what are the chances they're going to reverse that just a few months later? >> well, chris, it's amazing what happens when people are reminded what terrorist keg do. i think the american response to the par irattack was significant outside of new york and new jersey as 9/11. the american people recognize the brutal attacks that isis carried out could happen in any community across this country and throughout the world. at americans i believe we should do everything we can to limb fwhat that. knowing where the terrorists are is something that americans expect us to know, they expect us to investigate.
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i want to make sure the tools that law enforcement have are as -- and metadata is a big contributor to that. >> i want to get into one last issue with you. there are several allegations into investigations that the officers at the military command were altering and doctors the data to downplay the impact of isis. there's whistle-blowers and you're investigating it, how substantial is the evidence that intelligence was doctored, sir? >> it's very concerning. the whistle-blower that i've talked to was very compelling. clearly some of the information that's come out in the last seven days supported what that whistle-blower claimed. any time we have intelligence that may have been altered to fit a narrative that might be the narrative set by the white
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house is concerning to me. to think it could come from one of our combatant commands, in this case centcom is extremely troubling. that really changes the risk that hour combat forces might perceive perceive, that they'll be faced with in that combat theater. so i want to make sure that our -- >> let me just pick up on that, if i can, sir. this week, when faced with those allegations, president obama denied he had anything to do with that. take a look a what the president had to say. >> one of the things i incested on the day i walked into the oval office was that i don't want intelligence shaded by politics. i don't want it shaded by the story. >> briefly, senator, do you have involved in cooking the intelligence? >> chris, i don't, but we're
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very carefully to figure out if the narrative was there before the intelligence backed it up. we know a narrative went out, when all the facts on the ground said it was terrorism. we were out talking about a video. narrative has been something this white house has run with before. it concerns me now, because americans' lives are at stakes. our soldiers, our airmen, our marines' lives are at stake when we do this. >> chairman burr, thank for you your time on this holiday weekend. >> thank you, chris. up next or group joins the conversation, just as -- plus what would you like to ask the panel about keeping the homeland safe? just go to facebook or twitter on "fox news sunday," and we may use your question on the air.u recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food?" is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year?
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if we consolidate suppliers, what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? ...or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. sure... ok. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed?
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of a video of a teenager being gunned
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black friday but if god forbid tomorrow morning there's a terrorist attack in the united states, the first question everybody will it? and why didn't we stop it? >> moirk mourk taking a swipe at the expiration today of the bulk program. it's sometime for our sunday group s brit hume, former democratic congresswoman jane harman, director of the wood row
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wilson center. fox news chief washington correspondent, james rosen. and robert corsa from "the washington post." brit, it's an interesting confluence of events, the bulk data collection program ran out last night just as the state department issues a worldwide travel alert. what do you make of those two things? >> and there's more to it than that. this figures into the presidential campaign, because marco rubio and ted cruz are competing for some of the same voters and one of rubio's talks points, reflected by the sound bite you shows, he voted to end this program. ever shown there was one, and
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as mike hayden assisted again and again that it's helpful and useful. so i think it's fair to say that many officials say we're now without an effective tool for anticipating these terror attacks. >> let me ask a intelligence professional, the former top democrat on the house intelligence committee when you were in congress. did you ever see evidence that the nsa abused its powers in collecting americans' phone records? and do you think the expiration of the program as of midnight will hurt our counter-terrorism effort? >> first of all, i supported the program. i was briefed on it early in the bush administration. i think the underpinnings were -- and congress made a big effort to put the whole program under law as part of the surveillance act. this change came about after i left congress -- i don't think because i left congress, but there's been a lot of discontent
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with the so-called invasion of privacy. the good news is this, first of all the program was not abused second of all, you law which was -- but third of all, we have other surveillance tools which are lawful and which we continue to employ and a big chunk of those expire or sunsets in 2017. by then i would hope there would be a coalition that would understand the point of having robust and surveillance tools. >> we asked you for questions for the panel. we got this on facebook from andrea jamison. she writes -- how can we trust the president with vetting refugees, talking clearly about the syrians refugees, when he doesn't do anything about sang wait cities. james, how do you answer andrea? >> that's a good one. i would say that, look, the president is going to take a national security approach to
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the vetting of the refugees, perhaps more than he would with the immigration issue. that can be debated. whether that's the right approach. on the same day when president obama was in antalya, turkey, giving his full set of remarks, he famously got irritated from the questions saying that's a variation on the same question. had el was essentially telling us the strategy is working more or let. it's making progress. it's going to take some time. on the very same day we had john brennan tells a ciscs audience two things, terrorists were going to school on new technologies, and post edward snowden, collection efforts are restricted. here we have john brennan saying the terrorists are getting the upper hand, getting better
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being tied behind our backs. those were not consonant messages. the planned parenthood where a gunman kill one police officer and two civilians. he did talk about no more baby parts, it's unclear what his motive was, but do you think this will fire up the political debate about abortion and about gun control? >> on gun control, i do not. based on my reporting, there's no political capital within the congress, a republican congress, to move forward on gun control. in some swings states like pennsylvania, senator pat toomey, he's talked around background checks, but most of the republicans running next yearer not pushing for it. on abortion, we've sigh reps go hard on it -- i don't see that changing, those the pitch and tone may change in light of
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we sea senator cruz offer hi condolences to the victims. >> what about the democrats? do you see them changing their position? >> especially on gun control. democrats are taking their cues from the president. he has urged congress to act more. i'm looking especially at new hampshire, kelly ayotte, she did not back -- for the senate, and in the president agrace, hillary clinton has been a staunch advocate for more gun control, but she doesn't have a competitive primary. >> i want to talk about one other interesting development, that is we had major protests in chicago over the release of a video, and also over is the charging of a white police officer with first-degree murder a year after he allegedly shot an unarm -- well, no, he had a knife, but now gun, young black teenager 16 times.
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what was most interesting about the protest was that they were clearly heartfelt and they clogged the magnificent mile, the shopping area in chicago. they also were peaceful. >> in addition to that, they had a point, which was why did it take a year for this video to surface? the suspicion, of course, is that at the time that the incident occurred and the video was made that mayor emanuel was up for reelection and didn't want it to surface with all the potential trouble it could cause. eventually it seems the right thing was done. it's pretty graphic. it's and the guy has been charged with murder, which seems like an appropriate charge, but the delay is a problem. the protests were indeed peaceful, but i wonder if there would have been protests even on this scale had the video come out at the time and the charge of murder been lodged at the time. remember what happened in
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tennessee when something like this occurred, and the response was immediate. was it tennessee or south carolina? i'm not -- i don't recall right at the moment, but there was a police shooting, remember the guy who was shot dead in the park with the cop chasing after him. he was immediately charged, and the community rallied. >> the tape seems to incriminating. i think it was 13 months to charge this individual officer. panel, we have to take a break here. when we come back, the two
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with some self-inflicted wounds. jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in. it's not about yappin'. it's not about talking. it's about doing. i know how to do this because i was privileged to serve in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs were created. we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united states, i pledge to you that i will solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the
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where are you from? >> the gop presidential candidate dr. ben carson meeting with syrian refugees in jordan, following weeks of questions about his credentials.
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we are back with the panel. dr. carson on a two-day trip to jordan now says that those refugees should stay in camps in jordan, or someplace else in the middle east, with increased aid from the west, but should not be brought to the u.s. brit, does his 48 hours in the middle east solve ben carson's commander in chief issue? >> i don't think it solves it, but i think it probably helps. i think it was wise of him to go there, be seen there, and of course the remedy that he suggests is one that is likely to be popular mon republican primary voters, that means don't bring them here, but help them there. so i think it helps a bit, yeah. >> congresswoman harmon, fair to
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stays ugly with the way it is, with the spread of isis spreading, the syrian war continuing, what -- and will her foreign policy credentials, ties to obama be a plus or minus? this. >> i think it will help, and there are people who are responsible and serious thinkers about foreign policy. ted not help people who make outrageous comments about keep all the muslims out of the united states and build walls everywhere. i think it could help responsible republicans as well. let me say one thing about the -- what's wrong with refugees around is all those countries are not destabilized. we should understand that isis wants its caliphate for the moment to be in raqqah, but now there are rumors that it could move to libya, another failing state or almost failed state. yemen is a failed state.
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all of these places are ripe for this civil war within radical sunni islam. >> i just want to pick up on the clinton question, because the polls indicate by a very wide margin, people do not think this many has a handle, do not think her's being aggressive enough. she was the architect of much of this. you really don't think this would impact her? >> sure. people will try to connect her to parts of obama's policy that is haven't succeeded, but it's been public knowledge she was for the limited bombing in syria, which david petraeus was also for, which i'm -- personally was for. i think that would be viewed as a major strategic mistake. meanwhile, donald trump, as we mentioned early with carly fiorina, created another major controversy for himself when he seemed to mock a reporter with serious physical disability. take another look. >> he's going, i don't remember,
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maybe that's what i want. this is 14 years ago. he still -- they didn't do a retraction shun. trump told a rally yesterday, james that he would never make fun of someone, and in fact that the reporter and "new york times" are exploiting this situation and this misunderstanding. we have been thinking for a long period of time that trump would be saying something that would be over the line. is this the one? >> probably not. donald trump is new to the political arena, not newby any means to manipulation of the media. i think that the greater threat to donald trump's candidacy will not be displays of his eccentricities, or getting into fights with john mccain or meggian kelly or the rest of it. the greatest threat is the dissension to conventionality. when that happens, his numbers will drop. >> there didn't seem to be much danger of that in the immediate future.
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>> given the animal, yes. >> your response? >> it's pretty crude and obvious what he was doing. for him to say, no, i would never mock someone's disability is almost self-evident whopper, but i must say the striking thing about the trump people, the trump supporters, is nothing seems to matter. i think they have proved abraham lincoln rhine that you can fool some of the people all of the time. he's doing it. >> perhaps the most important development this week, certainly one of the most interesting was a new quinnipiac poll. in iowa, it shows ted cruz has doubled his support in the last month. as you can see in a standardal dead heat with donald trump, as ben carson has fallen a bit. robert, we've been waiting a long time to see whether the two front-runners were going to lose eight attitude. is this it? >> i followed senator cruz
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around in iowa. you can see the surge up close, they still respect and like him, but they see cruz as a credibility outsider. cruz is a political athlete. i was with him as a faith forum. he stayed until nearly midnight shakes hands, talking to voters an hour after his speech ended. he'll have 17 or 18 stops today in iowa. he's making a place for super tuesday. if they fall, cruz will be there to pick up the support. if there's any turning away from carson, why it? >> it's because foreign policy. they know this is a vulnerability. they're trying to address it. >> as far as cruz is concerned, we hear an aggressive ground
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independence sider's outsider, how is that working? >> cruz is not banking everything on iowa. hi 'playing for march 1st, even to massachusetts, maizes you're not trying about. cruz has an organization there for the long haul. >> what about the other candidates? particularly in iowa. who's got a strong ground game there, and who of the leading candidates doesn't? >> trump actually has a stronger ground game. he has santorum's former adviser. carson has such a grass-roots -- huckabee, santorum, they're still in the race, still splitting the tea party, until they get out, it will remain crowded. >> just late this week, brit, is chris christie, who got the endorsement of the "manchester union leader" and seems to be getting some traction in new hampshire, where obviously his
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campaign was in some trouble. >> it doesn't hurt in new hampshire. we have a long history of people reacting negatively, so that's actually a plus for him. and i think, you know, he may be about to have a moment here as candidates sometimes do. he's campaigned intensely in the state, and his bluff style i think has some traction there. i wouldn't be surprised to see him make a move, too. this race is still a jumble. >> it's a year away, all of this helps hillary clinton. if it's a populist right-wing soul, i think she wins. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. thanks for coming in on this holiday weekend. week."
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turkeys. the arrival of the official christmas tree at the white house. this year's tree comes from a farm in lansdale, pennsylvania. who created a successful cosmetic business and now raises turkeys like the indians did? here's our "power player of the week" week".
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>> farm with the land, farm with the season, know your rainfall, know your animals p. >> sandy lerner is talking about sustainable farming, raising livestock and growing vegetables without the chemicals which are so common in what she calls fact torrie farming. she took me out to see and, yes, to dance, with her 1300 turkeys, heritage broeds that trace back to the indians. >> gobble gobble gobble. >> lerner is mistress of ayrshire farms, 800 acres in virginia. but as interesting as her business is how she got here. she grew up on a farm in california from raising cattle to send herself to college. >> i'm happiest when i'm engaged in working, thinking and striving. >> she got into computers.
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in 1984, she and her then husband started cisco systems, which found a way to link networks of computers, the foundation of the internet, but six years later venture capital people were running cisco. >> how do you get fired? >> we basically got taken to the cleaners. part of that is if you don't have an employment contract, i got fired by the same guy who tired steve jobs. [ laughter ] >> lerner had a second act. she start add cosmetics company called urban decay with edgy colors for women like her. and in 1996, she bought ayrshire farm. >> it's historically been people who had disposable incomes who made strides in farming, look as george washington or thomas jefferson. >> she raises shires, scotch highland cattle and those turkeys which she says taste
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better because of the lives they lead. >> how much is an ayreshire turkeys. >> well, they're expensive, i think they're running this year about $160 to $200. >> at though prices there are questions about hose to make this kind of farming profitable. wheel lerner is determined to run a sound business, it's not just about about a bottom line. >>. there's a 40-room mansion on the land. what's it like lives there? >> i don't know. i live in a small cabin. are you ecsentry? >> now i am because i'm rich. before i used to be weird. they grew up on a family farm and she wants to see those values live on. >> i'm a cowellgirl. i can tell what you cows are thinking. george washington wanted to be a
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good farmers. i think i've become a good farmer. >> sandy lerner sold more than 800 turkeys this thanksgiving. she donated more than 200 to local charities. that's it for today. have a great week.
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sunday." aloha. >> that's next sunday. this sunday "fox nfl sunday begins right now. tonight, the rams will battle the bengals, the vikings will attempt to tame the falcons.
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